Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Princess of the Universe

Mia Claire....

She is the princess of the universe. We tell her..she believes it. It wasn't until this year that she realized that her fortune cookie didn't say "Mia is the princess of the universe" She started to read, and Kain told her. Mia loves life. She is happy go lucky and a joy to be around. She is my planner..Wants to know

1. what we are doing tomorrow

2. what 's after that

3 what's after that

It makes me laugh. She loves her teacher Ms. Smith and Miss Vanna and makes them cards and pictures all the time. She and Kobe Ostermiller are quite the buddies. They have "meetings" at recess. They talk about "stuff" on their mind at these meetings. It makes me laugh. Another big thing for Mia is girl scouts. She is going to her first camp this summer. I will be a counselor of course. It is called Camp S'MORE fun. (I named it) I am not a troop leader, but two of my good friends are. Mia loves going and they get to do lots of fun activities.

Mia keeps life fun and easy(for the most part) She is my joy and gift.

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