Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The "S" word (school=sick)

We were all so excited to get back to school, meet our new teachers, spend time with friends..and instead we got back to school, to meet all the sickness that school carries and to spend time in the doctors office. It started with just a little stuffed nose, turned into a sore throat, and a horrible cough. We have been to urgent care, and Dr. Jamieson's office. The kids are all on the 2nd round of antibiotics, this time a super strong one. Lysol is my friend, the bummer of it all is that I have gotten sick...really sick and can't seem to kick it and we all know, when mom feels sick NOTHING GETS DONE. My house is a tornado, the laundry is overflowing, I can't find anything. This certainly wasn't my plan for when the kids went back to school. I have so many projects unfinished that need to be worked on! I thought this would be the time! Grand scheme of life..not that big of a deal, but like I told the kids: "When you are sick, it totally stresses me out" I just want them happy and healthy. What more does a mom want? :)

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