Tuesday, March 8, 2011


so, I am lying here on the bed of our vacation home in Malibu..reflecting....

1. on how wonderful my parents are to take us places, spoil us, enjoy us, laugh with us
2. on vacation mindset. I have stressed less, enjoyed more, laughed more
3. on my amazing kids. I love that they all will be in the bathroom at the same time, or huddled together on the bed watching tv with their arms around each other, or playing games with bowls and a bouncy ball...the list goes on and on
4. on my friends...they check on me, text me, tell me they miss me..makes ya feel good
5. on my sisters. I love them. Am blessed to be able to send them texts with the random things of life.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

So glad you are enjoying your vacation!! You deserve the rest from stress! BUT PLEASE COME HOME!! :) I miss you!