Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Presents and the milk to cereal ratio

What does this picture of cereal have to do with my Christmas Presents? Well, you are about to find out..

Today, I started to sort my Christmas gifts..Four kids..four small piles..trying to make it even for in amount..even in size..even in price...it just doesn't work.

So far, at this moment, things are a bit lop-sided. I got out my piece of paper and wrote down what each child had from each person (since I did extra shopping for grandparents) and what I discovered...is that I need to do more shopping..oh so sad for me..

I was telling my friend Vanna about my predicament after school today and she said it best..I say Christmas shopping is like milk and cereal..You get a bowl of cereal and eat it. At the end, you realize you have a bit of milk left..so you add more cereal. Then, you need more milk because your cereal needs a bit more. Over and over.

The same applies to shopping for gifts. You get one more gift to balance here, and then one more gift to balance here. In the end, you have more gifts than you intended to buy and want to pull your hair out when you look at the checking account balance.

Vanna texted me later and asked what I was doing, I said "trying to figure out my milk to cereal ratio"

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